19-19 cornaga Avenue

LOCATION: Far Rockaway, Queens, NY

PROGRAM: Multi-Family Residences


CLIENT: Brisa Builders

19-19 Cornaga Avenue will be a newly constructed 60/40 Supportive Housing Residential building in Downtown Far Rockaway, Queens, NY. The 65,000 GSF building will consist of approximately 72 supportive housing units for families and 20 affordable housing units.

Paul A. Castrucci Architects (PCA) provided architectural design services for the residential and community facility building, as well as sustainable design consulting services to obtain Enterprise Green Community (EGC) certification. PCA has specified high-efficacy LED lighting throughout the project in order to lower internal heating gains and minimize the energy loads demanded by artificial lighting. The project is designed to meet the NYC Sprinkler, Fire, Plumbing and Electrical Codes, the latest NYC Building Code, the 2016 Energy Conservation Code, and the 2015 Enterprise Green Communities Program. The project is build using the Passive House Methodology and early energy modeling help select high-efficiency building envelope and mechanical system.

19-19 Cornaga is designed to have a well-insulated, thermally-efficient envelope that utilizes thermal bridge free construction that is designed to exceed NYC Building Code by 60%. The HVAC system for the structure employs highly efficient heat pumps while through-wall conditioning is provided in the units. Additional components reduce heating and cooling loss around the unit as well as pre-heat incoming cool air. The thermal envelope is completed with extensive green roofs at both the rear, upper and setback roofs, minimizing energy loss and limiting the building's contribution to the urban heat island effect. Recreation, amenity, and service spaces have been designed to meet the NYC Housing Preservation and Development and NYC Department of Building requirements. The nine-story building also includes a 3,000 SF community facility to provided revenue via future rentals.